Publisher description
Resume transfer of large files to any pc. No FTP required, No email attachments. Receive n send large files as big as 2GB to any PC anywhere in the World that has Internet and BFS running. No speed limit,depends only on your ISP internet speed. It provides everyone with speedier file tranfer to your office, employees, friends, business office, etc. Students can send study notes to their friends in minutes. Save money from expensive courier charges. Requires no training and no administrative maintenance. No account creation, download, register and start sending and receiving. For management of the files transfered, BFS has a log feature: every send n receive is logged, and you can see later what files did you send and received in the current session, from what ip, the time and so on. The transfer is peer 2 peer so no one can enter on this secure line, so don't worry, your transfer is safe. Very nice GUI that helps you see the progress better, progress bars, percentages labels and so on. Easy navigation and great GUI.see the progress better, progress bars, percentages labels and so on. Easy navigation and great GUI.
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